As you all know, Math Monday is my weekly math blog. I know that I've not been the best on posting blogs each week, though... The teachers were hoping that a math blog would help students understand the math better, but it didn't help me at all. If anything, it left me more confused because I'm not sure if I even explained certain things right or wrong. I'm also not very confident in myself when it comes to math.

Also, the Common Curriculum might change to include writing about the math in class. If the teacher wants to check this, I'm not sure if I'll be passing Math next year. Wish me luck, though, if it does change.

The equation above is 2x-7=15, but how do you solve something like this. It already has the equal sign and answer, but has a variable. The object of a problem like this is to solve for the variable, find out what it means.

First, you'd add 7 to both sides of the equal sign, cancelling out the subtraction of 7. 15 would become 22.

Then, you would divide both sides by 2, getting x=11.
Last quarter I remember fractions, integers, and word problems the best. With fractions, I taught myself to think of it like division. It was easier to remember and helped with multiplying, adding, subtracting, and dividing fractions.

Integers were fairly simple, I just had to think backwards. If I thought backwards, I got the answers right, but when I tried what the rest of the class was doing, I got confused and the answers wrong. It was annoying and I started to teach myself ways that were easier for myself to remember.

I'll admit it, word problems still get me at times. It's confusing because they mix words with numbers and operations. It's not what i'm used to. I can write really good and that's why math is so hard for me. I eventually got to the point I'd slow down and think about it. That's when i started to get answers right.
Each of us have had some trouble with math once in a while right? It could be multiplication, division, or even subtraction, like me. Subtraction and I don't get along at all. It's always been hard for me. I'd always add or multiply by accident with, still do actually. I just try my best and I'll use my fingers, pictures, or something to help  me figure it out.

One strategy I worked out with subtraction is the fingers, it helps me count backwards so that I see that it's being taken away. I'll start at ten or any other number with my thumb and count back. I just have to really pay attention to what I'm doing. It's a little frustrating, though. Another strategy I like to use is drawing pictures or tally marks. Once again, it helps me actually see the numbers being taken away. These strategies could help you to if you learn by doing something or seeing something.
You could use the Pythagorean theory to calculate how long and far it would take an enemy war ship to get to one place and help yourself choose the best course. You'd be able to make it to the destination before them and set a blockade to keep them away and make them retreat, possibly even surrender. You could also calculate how far and long it would take yourself to get the destination.

Another way you could the Pythagorean theory is by using it to see if you could beat your friend in a race to get a certain spot. Not to mention set up a slip 'n' slide for your friend and have them fall more than once. Or you could set up trampolines and jump from one to the next to help boost your time. Or you could always set up a hidden pit to stop your friend all together.
Negative and positive numbers both go into exponents. But if a positive and negative make a negative in multiplication, how come it doesn't make the outcome of a negative exponent negative? The truth is you're really only dividing the base by the exponent (ex: 5^-2 equals 1/25).

When you divide, you make things smaller, you put them into seperate groups. If you think of division this way, this won't so hard for you.
Exponets are the little number to upper right of a number. The principle of exponets is simple, just multiply the number by itself how many times the exponet says to. For example, 8^3 says to multiply 8 by itself three times (8*8*8). Exponets are the second step in Order of Operations, as well.
In an inequality (Ex: 8>4) and graphing it, there are two symbols we use, an arrow that originates at an open dot, and an arrow that originates at a closed dot. If it's a greater than or equal to sign, you use a closed dot, if it's a greater than sign, it needs an open dot. The open dot means that it can't be equal to the number (Ex: 8>4, you don't count the four). It's like the number falls through the hole. A closed dot
Personally, I don't understand the concept very well. For me, dividing is easier than multiplying. For example, take the equation 2x=16, wouldn't it be easier, and faster, to just divide here? If you didn't divide, you'd be multiplying fractions, using one as a denominator, and come out with 16/2. You'd end up simplifying it to 8/1, still easier to divide.

I'm honestly not very fond of math, but have one way help me remember how to solve fractions easier that I learned in Fitfth Grade. The little mover man who has his baseball cap! It's the funniest thing in the world, but it helps me more than anything else. Personallity, the distributive property probably helps me the most, but I've never really used it in math, I don't use the others either. I can be so stubborn that I forget anything like that that's useful for me. I just do the problem as is most of the time.