Last night, my mom took me to the fair, for the first time basically. I had a fun time even though, my mom was dead tired due to helping my dad all day. I explored the pirate ship, cat fish falls, and rode(sp?) the ferris wheel (which disappointed me greatly). My mom bought me a bracelet that has my nickname, a monkey in a blue shirt, a music note, and a few other various charms. We took pictures in a phote booth, and missed Captian Hook. I was exploring the pirate ship, when I ran over to my mom saying I wanted a picture. I also saw this absolutely wicked life-size Davy Jones replica, but Captian Hook disappeared with it. We then walked over to the food section and watched this guy try to win over a tough crowd, when we left he was failing. We then walked to the ferris wheel and I was disappointed, it didn't go very fast at all and you didn't get that feel of danger at all, well in a good way. We then walked back over to the pirate ship and explored Catfish Falls. We had a fun time with the fish facts. When we left, my mom called my uncle and had an arguement before a settlement was agreed on. While we were waiting for my uncle, a drunk guy ran into my mom and said, "Sorry, honey." 

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